"International law firm"

Banking and Finance

Banking and Finance are one of the key areas of our practice and the firm is known for the quality of its work in these fields.
The firm's Banking and Finance group forms part of a wider team of specialists in financing transactions who assist leading domestic and international banks, financial institutions, lenders and borrowers, and provide sector-specific legal services across the full range of financial matters.
Our activities in this area include:

  • asset finance
  • authorisation process (banks, SGR, SIM etc.)
  • banking contracts and products
  • commercial papers
  • debt and equity transactions
  • domestic leasing and cross-border leasing transactions
  • financial restructuring
  • financial structuring
  • information memorandum and prospectus
  • insider trading
  • public and private offerings/placements
  • public and private offering/placements
  • regulatory and compliance
  • securitisations
  • project financing


the Practise